TRUTHS AND MYTHS ABOUT BLUE LIGHT THERAPY Allan Issa Bachelor of Science I know what you are thinking, ‘not another article about light colours!’ ‘Didn’t we already cover this!!??’ ‘Red, blue, green, yellow…they should all have pretty much the same effect right!?’ Nothing can be further from the truth. Apart from it being my favourite colour, blue light can also do wonders for the skin! To be more precise blue light can do wonders by preventing complications that can ravage your skin. If the words acne & school in combination do not give you an anxiety attack then you are...

BENEFITS OF RED LIGHT THERAPY Allan Issa Bachelor of Science Everybody knows that the sun and sunlight is essential for optimal health and beauty. So why do we not just bask in the hot sun to achieve the desired results we are all looking for? Well unfortunately the sun has an evil side – meet our unpleasant friend called ultraviolet light! It is not news that this particular aspect of the sun’s rays can be devastating to our precious skin after prolonged exposure over time. Devastating how? Well it causes the dreaded premature aging of one’s skin for...
3 skincare tips for women over 24

3 SKINCARE TIPS FOR WOMEN OVER 24 TIP 1: LED Light Therapy Mask Light Therapy is probably the most used treatment by professional models and actors. Recently light therapy masks have become so affordable that everyone can now afford doing the treatment from home. As this is by far the most valuable tip we will go in depth about how it works and what to look for in a light therapy mask. How does LED Light Therapy Work? We ask Dendy Engelman, MD: Cosmetic Dermatologist at MDCS Dermatology. LED means light-emitting diode. “It works by emitting infrared lights in different wavelengths/spectrums,...